Ethics Teachers Training Course atau ETTC merupakan acara tahunan yang diadakan oleh UNESCO. UGM yang diwakili oleh Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH) terpilih sebagai host untuk acara bergengsi ini di tahun 2018, tepatnya pada tanggal 30 Juli sampai dengan 3 Agustus 2018. Acara ini bertujuan untuk membekali dan meningkatkan kapasitas profesional di bidang etik bagi warga negara Indonesia maupun asing di sekitarnya. Sebanyak empat puluh (40) peserta dipilih untuk dapat berpartisipasi dalam ETTC. Selama satu minggu, para peserta menjalani pelatihan dengan komponen-komponen berikut:
Past Event
The efforts to develop bioethics as an emerging science have drawn experts’ attention and contributions from all over the world. Specifically in Asia and the Pacific, the efforts were stimulated in the 1990s through the establishment of Asian Bioethics Association (ABA). This organization was formed to accommodate exchange of ideas between experts, aiming for bioethics integration into various field of sciences and professional expertise. Ever since its first establishment, ABA has regularly hold annual scientific conferences, titled the Asian Bioethics Conference (ABC). Indonesia has had the previous 13 opportunity to host the ABC9 in 2008 in Jogjakarta, organized by Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga and supported by Indonesian Bioethics Commission (KBN). In 2016, Indonesia had once again be chosen by acclamation to host ABC17, which had been organized by Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in collaboration with KBN. The Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH) representing UGM accepted the mandate and delivered this important event successfully.
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