Immune Status of PLWHA and The Challenges of Its Therapy [Raboan Discussion Forum]

The Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH FK-KMK UGM) again held a virtual discussion forum, Raboan Discussion Forum on Wednesday (27/04). The topic raised on the occasion was the Immune Status of PLWHA and the challenges of therapy. CBMH FK-KMK UGM as the committee invited Ns. Dyah Ika Krisnawati, S.Kep, M.Si, Ph.D., lecturer at the Dharma Husada Nursing Academy in Kediri, East Java. Meanwhile, the event was guided by moderator Nabila Puspakesuma, S.Psi, M.Sc.

Providing treatment to patients with HIV-AIDS has its difficulties for the health workers. This is because of the characteristics of the HIV-AIDS disease that attacks the human immune system. A patient with HIV-AIDS has a condition where he is required to take drugs or other therapies so that the development of the HIV does not get worse. This obligation can burden the patient’s life so that the patient often feels tired during his treatment. read more