Weekly discussion forum, Raboan Online, held by Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanity (CBMH) on Wednesday (14/07) invited Indonesia Vice Minister of Law and Human Rights, Prof. Dr. Edward O.S. Hiariej, S.H., M.Hum., as a speaker on a discussion about Medical Dispute Dynamics, with dr. Darwito, Sp.B(K)-Onk, S.H., accompanying as moderator.
Medical dispute is a dispute between two or more parties about a law incident that is happening on a medical setting, one example being a malpractice.
According to the speaker who is familiarly known as Prof. Eddy, malpractice from the eyes of a law expert could be different from the medical perspective, where there are elements that should be fulfilled for a case to be judged as a malpractice. Prof. Eddy proceeded to emphasize that even then, a jurist can not decide the occurrence of a malpractice without the help of internal investigation by professional organizations of doctors themselves.