Wednesday (15/12), Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH FK-KMK UGM) held the weekly Raboan Discussion Forum. The topic raised this week is the Perspective of End-Stage Chronic Renal Failure Patients on Joint Decision Making When Starting Hemodialysis Therapy. The topic was delivered by dr. Ouve Rahadiani Permana, M.H.Kes., M.Sc. dr. Ouve is lecturer of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Swadaya Sunan Gunung Jati (UGJ) and Masters in Bioethics UGM alumni. Meanwhile, the moderator was dr. Nurul Aida Fathya, Sp.FM, M.Sc. She is lecturer of the Faculty of Medicine at Universitas Jendral Soedirman and Masters in Bioethics UGM alumni.
The Raboan Discussion Forum was again held by the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities on Wednesday (08/12). This raboan theme continues the previous discussion regarding Health Law, namely Data Privacy in Health Services which was presented by Dr. Abdul Rasyid Thalib, S.H., M.Hum as chairman of the Indonesian Health Law Society, Central Sulawesi. Meanwhile, the moderator of the discussion forum is dr. Nur Azid Mahadinata.
Technological developments bring challenges to Health data protection. This makes the regulation of personal data protection an urgent matter today.
Center For Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH UGM) held the annual Raboan Discussion Forum. This week, Wednesday (01/12) the discussed topic is Health Law Literacy. The topic was presented by Dr. dr. Muji Iswanty, S.H., M,H., Sp.KK.,M.Kes from Universitas Hassanudin. She is also the head Masyarakat Hukum Kesehatan Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan. The discussion was conducted by dr. Nasrun S.H., M.Sc as moderator.
Dr. Muji revealed that nowadays some doctors and health service provider doesn’t follow the four bioethics principal which is beneficience, non maleficience, autonomy, and justice. This occurences often led to legal dispute between patients and doctors or health care providers.
Wednesday (24/11), Center For Bioethics and Medical Humanities held weekly Discussion Forum Raboan. CBMH UGM has brought a recent issue about ethics and health practice that is Deontology Aspect of P-Care Utilization in the First Healthcare Facility in Yogyakarta. This topic is presented by Zahwa Arsy Azzahra S.T., M.Sc. Also present as moderator is Puri Swastika GKD, SE, M.Sc.
According to Zahra, the use of Big Data in healthcare services has the potential to be misused. Based on Lenca’s research on Big Data, there is misuse potential in privacy and confidentiality, informed consent, Fairness, and Justice, etc.
Yogyakarta – Raboan Discussion Forum was again organized by the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanity (CBMH UGM) on Wednesday (19/11). This weeks topic is Ethical Issues in Healthcare Digital Marketing. CBMH UGM invited Dr. dr. Andreasta Meliala, DPH., M.Kes., MAS from the Center for Health Policy Management FK-KMK UGM. Meanwhile, the moderator is Dr. Nur Azid Mahadinata.
In the past few years, the development of technology and the healthcare industry has grown very rapidly. This has resulted in new issues for health care providers one of them is Healthcare Marketing.
Yogyakarta – Wednesday (10/11) Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities Universitas Gadjah Mada (CBMH UGM) held a Raboan discussion forum. CBMH UGM presented topic Pastoral Care for Terminal Disease Patients. This topic is carried by Imanuel Eko Anggun S., M.Sc who is an alumni of UGM Bioethics Masters Program. Meanwhile, the discussion forum was led by Puri Swastika GKD, SE, M.Sc as moderator.
Pastoral Care is a form of patient assistance that has long been applied in the health sector. However, in Indonesia, the service from the hospital is still not widely known by the patient and the patient’s family. According to Anggun’s research, there are still many patients who do not know or even hesitate to ask for spiritual assistance. As a result, this service does not run optimally in hospitals. Although spiritual assistance is needed especially for patients with severe disease or terminal illness.
Yogyakarta – Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH UGM) held the Raboan discussion forum on Wednesday (03/11). This regular discussion forum raised an interesting theme Human Rights and the Perspective of the Qur’an.
CBMH collaborated with Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies (CRCS UIN Sunan Kalijaga) and invited Prof. Syafaatun Almirzanah Ph.D, a professor in the field of Islamic Studies and the head of CRCS UIN Sunan Kalijaga as a speaker. Meanwhile dr. Nur Azid Mahadinata acts as a moderator who guides the discussion.
Nowadays, humankind is facing what we often call digital reality, with the ever-increasing uses of digital technologies in almost all sectors of life. While these technologies promise convenience and practicality, the gaps in network availability and infrastructure, the differing capacity and maturity in using the technologies remain challenging, as do the ethical implications and threat of dehumanization due to the technological revolution and extensive emphasis and reliance on data (“big data”).
Raboan Discussion Forum on Wednesday, 13 October 2021 was presented by two excellent collaborator of Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities UGM: Prof. dr. Zabidi Hussin and Asocc. Prof. dr. Teguh Haryo Sasongko, Ph.D. Prof. Zabidi is a Pro-Vice Chancellor and Professor of Paediatrics at International Medical University, Malaysia. In this Raboan he told his own experiences on managing a patient with metachromatic leukodystrophy that has been written in a book titled perilous genes. Asocc. Prof. dr. Teguh Haryo Sasongko, Ph.D, Deputy Director of Center for Research Excellence, Perdana University later gave the medical explanation about the disease from the pathogenesis until the treatment options. This event was moderated by dr. Rusdy Ghazali Malueka, Sp.S(K), Ph.D from Neurology Department Sardjito General Hospital – FMPHN UGM.
Raboan Online held by Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanity (CBMH) on Wednesday (6/10) was back with a topic very much relevant to the world situation this day, “Ethical Aspects in COVID-19 Vaccination”.
The speaker on this afternoon was Dr. dr. Iqbal Mochtar, MPH, MKKK, DipiCard, DoccMed, Sp.Ok, who is based in Qatar and is the Head of Middle East Indonesian Doctors Association, who also oftentimes talks about ethical issues in medicine. All the while, dr. Nur Azid Mahardinata from CBMH tackled the role of moderator in this discussion.