Wednesday, February 9, 2022, the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH FKKMK UGM) again held the Raboan Discussion Forum. On that occasion, the theme raised was Modern Paradigm in the Field of Science and Technology, Government and Social Life System that Has Been Implemented in the Classical Javanese Era Medang I Bhumi Mataram. The theme was presented by the speaker: Ki Dr. Budiono Santoso Setradjaja, PhD., Sp.FK. The virtual discussion forum is led by Moderator: dr. Nur Azid Mahadinata.
Wednesday, February 2, 2022, the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities held a Raboan Discussion Forum with the theme Consumer Behavior in Health Industry. This theme was presented by Dr. Shine Pintor S. Patiro, S.T., M.M from the Faculty of Economics at the Open University. Meanwhile, the moderator was Puri Swastika GKD, S.E., M.Sc.
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought new dynamics to the Health industry players. This happens because there is a change in consumer behavior as a result of the increasing need for health goods and services. Dr. Pintor explained that during the pandemic, consumer behavior in the health industry became an issue that was widely discussed.
Wednesday (26/01), the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH FK-KMK UGM) held a routine Raboan Discussion Forum program with the theme Ethical Decision Making in Obstetrics and Gynecology. The theme was presented by the speaker, dr. Azharul Yusri Sp.OG, Chair of Dewan Kehormatan Etik Kedokteran Riau Ikatan Dokter Indonesia. Meanwhile, the moderator is Dr. dr. B. Triagung Ruddy Prabantoro, Sp.OG(K) student at Master of Bioethics Program Universitas Gadjah Mada and Lecturer at Universitas Kristen Widya Mandala.
Improvement of Human Rights terminology which is often translated into Indonesian ‘Hak Asasi’ is very much needed. It is as said by Dr. CB Kusmaryanto SCJ, a Bioethics expert and lecturer in the Sanata Dharma University School of philosophy at the Raboan Discussion Forum organized by the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH FK-KMK UGM), Wednesday (19/01). The weekly forum, which is held virtually, takes the theme of Human Rights and Human Rights Fundamentals in Bioethics. The forum is led by dr. Ouve Rahadiani Permana, M.H.Kes., M.Sc, alumni of the Bioethics Masters Study Program as moderator.
The Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH UGM) on Wednesday (16/11) held a Raboan Discussion Forum with the theme of Ethics Problems in the Use of Social Media related to Health. The theme was delivered by the speaker Prof. Dra. Yayi Surya Prabandari Ph.D. Meanwhile, the discussion forum was led by dr. Wika Hartini MIH as moderator.
Prof. Yayi sees that social media is now increasingly being used by practitioners in the health sector. The use of social media is very diverse but in general social media is a platform so that users can connect and share with each other. Some examples of the use of social media include Blogs, Networking Sites, Media Sharing Sites, Wikis, and so on.
Wednesday (05/02), Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH FK-KMK UGM) held the weekly routine program Raboan Discussion Forum for the first week of January 2022. The theme on the occasion was Implementation of Informed Consent on Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM) and Homeopathic Services. The virtual discussion forum presented by speakers Desy Putri Ratnasari, M.Sc., Bioethics Masters Study Program Alumni and UGM CBMH Research Assistant. Meanwhile, the moderator is dr. Nur Aziz Mahadinata.
Wednesday (15/12), Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH FK-KMK UGM) held the weekly Raboan Discussion Forum. The topic raised this week is the Perspective of End-Stage Chronic Renal Failure Patients on Joint Decision Making When Starting Hemodialysis Therapy. The topic was delivered by dr. Ouve Rahadiani Permana, M.H.Kes., M.Sc. dr. Ouve is lecturer of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Swadaya Sunan Gunung Jati (UGJ) and Masters in Bioethics UGM alumni. Meanwhile, the moderator was dr. Nurul Aida Fathya, Sp.FM, M.Sc. She is lecturer of the Faculty of Medicine at Universitas Jendral Soedirman and Masters in Bioethics UGM alumni.
The Raboan Discussion Forum was again held by the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities on Wednesday (08/12). This raboan theme continues the previous discussion regarding Health Law, namely Data Privacy in Health Services which was presented by Dr. Abdul Rasyid Thalib, S.H., M.Hum as chairman of the Indonesian Health Law Society, Central Sulawesi. Meanwhile, the moderator of the discussion forum is dr. Nur Azid Mahadinata.
Technological developments bring challenges to Health data protection. This makes the regulation of personal data protection an urgent matter today.
Yogyakarta – Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH FK-KMK UGM) bersama dengan Program Studi Magister Bioetika Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM menggelar webinar dengan tema “Aspek Etika dan Hukum Kebijakan Monoloyalitas”. Acara yang diselenggarakan secara daring tersebut dibagi menjadi dua hari yaitu Jumat (3/12) dan Senin (6/12). Ratusan peserta dari berbagai kalangan seperti Dokter, Manajemen Rumah Sakit, hingga Mahasiswa Kesehatan berkumpul dalam Zoom Meeting sore hari itu. Webinar ini juga sekaligus menjadi Open House Program Studi Magister Bioetika UGM yang sedang membuka pendaftaran mahasiswa baru 2021/2022.
Center For Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH UGM) held the annual Raboan Discussion Forum. This week, Wednesday (01/12) the discussed topic is Health Law Literacy. The topic was presented by Dr. dr. Muji Iswanty, S.H., M,H., Sp.KK.,M.Kes from Universitas Hassanudin. She is also the head Masyarakat Hukum Kesehatan Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan. The discussion was conducted by dr. Nasrun S.H., M.Sc as moderator.
Dr. Muji revealed that nowadays some doctors and health service provider doesn’t follow the four bioethics principal which is beneficience, non maleficience, autonomy, and justice. This occurences often led to legal dispute between patients and doctors or health care providers.