UNESCO Chair on Bioethics Universitas Gadjah Mada (UCB UGM), in collaboration with the UNESCO Jakarta office, had successfully held an Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation to discuss the draft UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of Neurotechnology. The event took place on June 21st 2024, virtually via Zoom Meeting platform. This consultation session was part of the process to develop the timely standard-setting instrument, UNESCO
recommendation on the Ethics of Neurotechnology. The 1st draft text of the recommendation had been produced by UNESCO Ad Hoc Expert Group (AHEG), through its 1st meeting earlier this year on 22nd – 26th April. This activity was in alignment and contributing to the realization of Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 3 in ensuring healthy life and promote wellbeing for all at all age, SDG 10 in reducing inequality within and among countries and SDG 17 in strengthening implementation measures and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development.
Past Event
Yogyakarta, (22/05) – Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities Faculty of Medicine Public Health and Nursing UGM, Program Studi Magister Bioetika UGM, serta UNESCO Chair on Bioethics UGM berkolaborasi menyelenggarakan Raboan Discussion Forum dengan topik “Personalized Medicine or Public Health? Human Right and Choice Issues”. Acara yang diselenggarakan secara daring ini menghadirkan pembicara internasional dan nasional terkemuka dalam bidang medis dan bioetika.
Acara yang diadakan pada Rabu, 22 Mei 2024 ini menghadirkan Prof Ganiel Ussatayeva, MD, MPH, PhD dari Al-Farabi Kazah National University dan ITMO Rusia, serta Prof. dr. Sofia Mubarika Haryana, M.Med.Sc, Ph.D dari Indonesia. Diskusi ini dipandu oleh moderator Erlin Erlina, SIP, MA, PhD, dengan pembahas Dr. C.B. Kusmaryanto, SCJ dan Prof. Sismindari, Apt., SU., PhD.
Pada hari ini (Rabu,15 Mei 2024), Pusat Kajian Bioetika dan Humaniora Kedokteran, Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat, dan Keperawatan, Universitas Gadjah Mada menggelar hari pertama kursus bioetika dengan fokus yang mendalam pada Aspek Etika Klinis Selama dan Akhir Kehidupan. Acara ini dihadiri oleh sejumlah tenaga kesehatan dan akademisi yang tertarik untuk memperdalam pemahaman mereka tentang isu-isu etika dalam praktik medis. Kursus kali ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang bagaimana mempertahankan martabat manusia dalam berbagai situasi, baik selama kehidupan dan menjelang kematian.
The Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), in collaboration with the Master’s Program in Bioethics UGM and the UNESCO Chair on Bioethics UGM, hosted a thought-provoking webinar titled “Raboan Discussion Forum” on Wednesday (29/11).
The webinar delved into the crucial theme of “Student Engagement in Ethics and Sustainable Development,” featuring esteemed speakers from the International Medical University (IMU) Malaysia. Among the distinguished speakers were AP Lee Choy Sin, Freya Tang Sin Wei, AP Lim Chool Ling, AP Kok Yih Yih, and Dr. Then Yoon Yee. The webinar was moderated by Dr. Jithendra Panneerselvam, also from IMU Malaysia. Hosting the event was dr. Astridia Maharani MPH from the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH) FKKMK UGM.
Yogyakarta – Wednesday (25/11), the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities Faculty of Medicine Public Health and Nursing at UGM, in collaboration with the Master Program in Bioethics at UGM and UNESCO Chair on Bioethics at UGM, hosted an online event “Raboan Discussion Forum.” The forum delved into the crucial topic of “Application of Respect for Autonomy in Hospital Services within the National Health Insurance System.” dr. Desdiani, Sp.P, M.K.K., M.Bio.Et Lecturer from Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University Serang Banten and alumnae of Master Program in Bioethics UGM was invited as the speaker. Meanwhile the event was moderated by Erlin Erlina, Ph.D.
Yogyakarta – The Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), in collaboration with the Master Program in Bioethics at UGM and the UNESCO Chair on Bioethics UGM, hosted the “Raboan Discussion Forum” on Wednesday (22/11). The forum raised the topic of Cultural and Ethical Challenges in Bereavement Care. Ch. Yeni Kustanti, S.Kep., Ns., M.Pall.C., Ph.D., from Stikes Bethesda Yakkum Yogyakarta, served as speaker. Meanwhile, Ns. Wahyu Dewi Sulistyarini, M.SN, from the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities, UGM, UNESCO Chair on Bioethics at UGM, and Wiyata Husada Samarinda Institute of Health and Sciences, taking the role of moderator.
Yogyakarta – On Wednesday (25/10), the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing of Gadjah Mada University (UGM), in collaboration with the Master Program in Bioethics at UGM and the UNESCO Chair on Bioethics at UGM, organized a webinar titled “Raboan Discussion Forum.” The webinar featuring esteemed speaker dr. Arief Rachman, Sp.Rad from MER-C (Medical Emergency Rescue Committee) and moderated by dr. Nasrun S.H., M.Sc, Master Program in Bioethics alumnae and lecturer at Universitas Alkhairaat Palu.
Yogyakarta – On Wednesday (18/10), the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing of Gadjah Mada University (UGM), in collaboration with the Master Program in Bioethics UGM and the UNESCO Chair on Bioethics UGM, hosted a weekly online forum Raboan Discussion Forum titled “Remediation in Professional Behavior Assessment.”
The webinar delved into crucial topics surrounding the assessment of professionalism in medical education, featuring speaker Dr. Yoyo Suhoyo, M.Med.Ed, PhD. Dr. Suhoyo, underscored the importance of professionalism in medical education. He explain the five keys to professionalism which is emphasizing reliability, adherence to ethical principles, effective interactions with patients and their families, as well as within the healthcare system, and commitment to continuous improvement.
Yogyakarta – The Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Welfare and Nursing held another Raboan Discussion Forum on Wednesday (11/10). The online event raised the topic ‘Perspectives on Breaking Bad News: Ethical Considerations for Healthcare Providers’. The keynote speaker was Dr dr Sintak Gunawan, M.A, a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of Indonesia Atma Jaya. The discussion was guided by moderator Ns. Wahyu Dewi Sulistyarini, M.SN.
Yogyakarta – Wednesday (04/10), the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities Faculty of Medicine Public Health and Nursing UGM, in collaboration with the Master on Bioethics Program UGM and UNESCO Chair on Bioethics UGM, hosted a Raboan Discussion Forum which raised a topic “Empowering Elderly: Fresh Insights Into Aging And Geriatric Dentistry”. The online forum featured speakers from the International Medical University (IMU) Malaysia: Dr. Naveen Chhabra, Dr. Kirti Saxena, and Dr. Sivakumar Arunachalam. Moderating the insightful discussions was drg. Agnes B Pratiwi, MPH.