Application of Respect for Autonomy in Hospital Services [Raboan Discussion Forum]

Yogyakarta – Wednesday (25/11), the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities Faculty of Medicine Public Health and Nursing at UGM, in collaboration with the Master Program in Bioethics at UGM and UNESCO Chair on Bioethics at UGM, hosted an online event “Raboan Discussion Forum.” The forum delved into the crucial topic of “Application of Respect for Autonomy in Hospital Services within the National Health Insurance System.” dr. Desdiani, Sp.P, M.K.K., M.Bio.Et Lecturer from Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University Serang Banten and alumnae of MasterĀ  Program in Bioethics UGM was invited as the speaker. Meanwhile the event was moderated by Erlin Erlina, Ph.D. read more