Yogyakarta, 18 November 2024 – Pusat Bioetika dan Humaniora Kesehatan (CBMH) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) menyelenggarakan lunch discussion dan sharing of experience bersama Prof. Christoph Stückelberger, pendiri dan Honorary President dari Globethics. Diskusi yang berlangsung di Gedung Penelitian dan Pengembangan FK-KMK UGM ini berfokus pada metode pengajaran etika serta bagaimana kebijakan berbasis etika dapat diterapkan di berbagai sektor. Acara ini dihadiri oleh akademisi, praktisi, dan anggota komite yang bergerak di bidang bioetika dan humaniora kesehatan.
Bioethics Education
Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities just held the Raboan Discussion Forum on (27/07).The title of this discussion is Ethics learning system model in medical doctors student. The material was presented by the speaker: Dr. B. Triagung Ruddy Prabantoro, dr.,SpOG(K) the moderator is dr. Nur Azid Mahardinata.
Doctors are a precious profession because they accompany humans from birth to death. Bioethics and humanities are very important in supporting medical education. Ethics is very imporatant because it can made trust between medical doctor and patients. If there is no trust between medical doctor and patients, it can makes the effectiveness of healthcare low. Medical doctors must have ability to change behavior of patient better than before, because bad behavior of patients make the disesase worst.