Yogyakarta – The Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Welfare and Nursing held another Raboan Discussion Forum on Wednesday (11/10). The online event raised the topic ‘Perspectives on Breaking Bad News: Ethical Considerations for Healthcare Providers’. The keynote speaker was Dr dr Sintak Gunawan, M.A, a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of Indonesia Atma Jaya. The discussion was guided by moderator Ns. Wahyu Dewi Sulistyarini, M.SN.
The discussion explored the importance of an ethical perspective in delivering bad news to patients in the context of health care. Dr Sintak Gunawan highlighted the dilemmas often faced by healthcare providers in delivering bad news, including the difference between truth, kindness, respecting patient autonomy, and the principle of justice.
In addition, the speaker also discussed the concept of therapeutic privilege which allows withholding information for the benefit of the patient, in line with the medical code of ethics which stipulates that any action that might debilitate the patient must be with the consent of the patient or his/her family and only done for the benefit of the patient.
This is also stated in the Indonesian Code of Medical Ethics (KODEKI) article 5. It is written that every doctor’s action or advice that may weaken psychological or physical endurance must obtain the consent of the patient/family and is only given for the benefit and good of the patient.
The forum underlined the importance of delivering health information that takes into account various aspects to provide benefits and prevent unwanted impacts on patients. ‘The delivery of information related to patient health and health services must pay attention to various aspects so that these efforts bring more benefits and prevent unwanted impacts,’ said Dr Sintak Gunawan in his conclusion.
Full video can be accessed here