Yogyakarta – Keterbatasan akses jurnal ilmiah sering menjadi penghalang bagi peneliti dan akademisi untuk mendapatkan literasi yang berkualitas. Hal tersebut memunculkan diskursus mengenai keterbukaan ilmu pengetahuan, atau biasa disebut dengan Open Science yang semakin menghangat. Pandemi Covid-19 lalu menjadi salah satu bentuk praktik Open Science dimana berbagai penerbit membuka akses jurnal ilmiah dengan bebas seperti yang diungkapkan oleh Prof. dr. Gandes Retno Rahayu, M.Med.Ed., Ph.D pada acara Angkringan HELP Course 3rd Series: Open Science and Ethics yang dilaksanakan hari Kamis (24/08)
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Yogyakarta – Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat, dan Keperawatan Universitas Gadjah Mada menyelenggarakan Pelatihan HELP (Humanity-Ethics-Legal-Professionalism) dengan tema 3rd Series – Medical/Health Research pada 23-25 Agustus 2023. Acara yang bertempat di The Atrium Hotel and Resort tersebut diikuti oleh peserta yang berasal dari berbagai kota di Indonesia.
Selama tiga hari, peserta menerima berbagai materi seputar penelitian dari pembicara yang ternama di bidang Bioetika. Diantaranya adalah Introduction to Research Ehics, Basic Principles of Biomedical Ethics, Informed Consent in Research, Addressing Ethical Challenges in Health-Related Research, Applying Research Ethics in Practical Scenarios, Applying Research Ethics in Practical Scenarios, International Guidelines, dan Special Issues in Health-Related Research.
Wednesday, (23/08) Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH FK-KMK UGM) held Raboan Discussion Forum. The routine webinar was held in collaboration with International Medical University Malaysia. The speaker was Dr. Renu Agarwal and the moderator was Erlin Erlina, PhD. The raised topic is Translational Value of Animal Models in Research: Ethical Viewpoint.
Understanding how the human body functions, identifying diseases that affect humans, and developing effective treatment options are pivotal endeavors in medical and scientific research. To advance these goals, animal testing has played a significant role in various fields, including research and development (R&D), fundamental research, quality control (QC), production, and toxicity testing. Commonly used animals for these purposes include mice, rats, ectotherms, rabbits, and birds.
Wednesday (09/08), Center for Medical Bioethics and Humanities, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Gadjah Mada University held Raboan: International Collaboration in collaboration with International Medical University Malaysia. The boldly held event raised the topic of Student Empowerment: Professionalism & Ethical Responsiveness, which was presented by Dr. Serena In from IMU Malaysia. Meanwhile, the moderator who led the discussion was Dr. Wika Hartanti MIH from CBMH FK-KMK UGM.
Wednesday (02/08) Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities held the Raboan Discussion Forum again. The webinar, which was held online, raised the topic of Cultural Influence on Clinical Ethics. The speaker was Peter Johannes Manoppo Bioethicist, General Surgeon. Meanwhile, the role of the moderator was Nathan Agwin Khenda, Ftr.
Culture influence is the influence of culture or tradition in clinical practice. The challenges that arise in the doctor-patient relationship occur because of differences in culture and language. One of the cultural influences of paternalism is when doctors make decisions without considering patient autonomy.
Abdul Rohman
Duy Dang‑Pham
Dyah Pitaloka
Erlina Erlina
Ade Prastyani
The transmission of informational privacy has become a fertile ground for debate among competing actors affected by the proliferation of information communication technologies. Contexts are among the factors that shape the flow of informational privacy. The existing discussion however has been mainly dominated by perspectives from the Global North and the able-bodied. In response, based on interview data collected from people with disabilities (PwD) living in Vietnam, this study offers the continuum of context in informational privacy transmissions as a concept to illuminate the types, the levels, and the interest of the transmission and the capability of PwD to manage the flow of their informational privacy. The concept has the potential to enrich the existing discussion by providing more nuance and dynamic of informational privacy transmissions situated in the Global South and among groups who have been historically marginalized
Abdul Rohman
Dyah Pitaloka
Erlina Erlina
Duy Dang
Ade Prastyani
The inconsistent implementation of disability rights in crisis responses such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic has illuminated the double difficulty that persons with disabilities (PwD) must face. Ableism remains the basis for pandemic responses, leading to a range of irrationalities in collecting and using disability data during critical times. This commentary identifies situational and contextual rationalities in disability data collection and use in Global South. Through vignettes from Indonesia and Vietnam, this commentary illuminates the socio-technical and cultural infrastructure that perpetuates the obscurity of disability rights in the pandemic responses in, respectively, the largest democratic and socialist-communist countries in Southeast Asia. In addition to better listening to the voice of PwD, stronger engagement of organizations of PwD in policy making and programming is advocated for enabling more equitable pandemic preparedness, response, and recovery plans to manifest in future.Full paper can be accessed here
Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH) FK-KMK UGM akan meyelenggarakan HELP Course 3rd Series Batch 6 dengan tema “Health/Medical Research“
Topik yang dibahas antara lain:
1. Pengantar Etika Penelitian
2. Prinsip Dasar Etika Biomedis
3. Informed Consent dalam Penelitian
4. Tantangan Etis dalam Penelitian Kesehatan
5. Penerapan Praktis Etika Penelitian
6. dan lain-lain
Kegiatan ini akan dilaksanakan secara luring pada:
Tanggal: 23 – 25 Agustus 2023
Lokasi: The Atrium Hotel and Resort Yogyakarta
The Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH FK-KMK UGM) again held the Raboan Discussion Forum on Wednesday (26/07). The weekly forum raised the topic Bioethical Problems in Child Marriage. On this occasion, the speaker was Dr. Pinky Saptandari, Dra., M.A. Meanwhile, the moderator of the discussion was dr. Tiea Khatija.
The problem of child marriage is an issue of violation of the rights of children and women, both from a legal, political, health, and social perspective. This issue involves many scientific disciplines, such as law, medicine, psychology, anthropology, and social affairs. Child marriage contributes to stunting, maternal mortality, and educational problems. Even though there is a legal umbrella, such as laws and international conventions, marriage dispensation is still easy to obtain. Culture, tradition, and religious interpretations also influence this issue.
The Center for Medical Bioethics and Humanities (CBMH FK-KMK UGM) held the Raboan Discussion Forum last Wednesday (12/7). The topic discussed in the forum was “Knowledge Level of Residents on Bioethical Principles.” The speaker for the forum was dr. Narumi Hayakawa while the moderator was Noviyanti Fahdilla, S.Tr.Keb, MPH.
Research conducted by Narumi shows that the level of knowledge of bioethics among the Indonesian population still needs to be improved. The study illustrates that most of the residents have a moderate level of knowledge of bioethics, indicating a challenge in dealing with ethical issues in medical practice.